bismillahirrahmanirrahim... this is all about me. faizah binti zainudin @ kemenangan/kejayaan(utk pmpuan) ank perempuan kpd perhiasan agama.. name ni dapat daripada arwah nenek.. :) hehe.. simple kan name,, without nur or siti or nurul ect2.. so,, as simplenye my name,, so cmtu jugaklah simplenye faizah. agak gelabah. kelam kabut kalo ade org yg bg pressure jadik cmtu,. huhu.. suke nyanyi. suke gelak. ketawa. happening. suke ckp. kacaw org. suke conteng buku org. nakal. degil kdg2. suke dgar lagu,, sume genre layan.. hehe,, kuat majuk* tapi utk certain2 org je lah~ ahaha,. ank ke 3 dari 5.. loves my mom and dad soooo much! xsuke brg2 pompuan sgt. sbb rase agk leceh jugk. haha. so.. thats truely me. xsuke menulis sgt.. study awal. ok.. next we'll proceed to my level of education.
sekolah tadika kat tabika kemas kg parit khalil, ayer hitam johor. ops. im JOHORIAN ok? ehee,
then, sekolah rendah kat Sek. Kebangsaan Kota Dalam. then masuk form 1-5 kat SMA Parit Raja. duk asrama tau,, tapi every week ma dtg tgok.. haha..! then,, masuk form 6 kat MAAHAD JOHOR, JB sekolah kat atas gunung sebelah zoo sebelah Masjid SULTAN ABU BAKAR. amek STAM. then, lepas da kuar result. apply UPU the, dapatlah kos Sarjana Muda Fiqh dan Fatwa dengan Kepujian, Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-Undang kat Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. and minornye civil law. aduhai ., haha,. hidup mesti diteruskan! ciayok2.. never regret something when u really dunno what will happen next! just through it with calm, cool and just do your best! to be the best in this world or in any place in ur life.. to do the first! dont let dream just be a dream. but make a dream comes true! once u failed.. u can step up and begin the new spirit that u would never through it again! yeah! remember mom and dad. thats all from me. thankz.. im sorry if my english is bad,, but.. hehe.. we are in learning process right?
cm cantik lak tulisan nieh, kikiki.. senget |
oh mom!
There is no one in this world
That can take your place
Oooh I’m sorry for ever taken you for granted
That can take your place
Oooh I’m sorry for ever taken you for granted
I will use every chance I get
To make you smile
Whenever I’m around you
To make you smile
Whenever I’m around you
Now I will to try to love you
Like you love me
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my mom the gorgeous... standing beside datuk.. hehehe.. |
You simply great